The Bee Hive
The Bee Hive is the vocational Sixth Form provision of Northgate Academy Trust located one mile away from the main site at Northgate School. The Bee Hive is for young people with learning difficulties who are not yet ready for work or college and require access to a curriculum that is designed to develop their personal and social skills, their understanding of the world of work and adulthood. The curriculum builds their confidence in an environment that challenges them in a supportive manner. We are different in that we have a café, pre-loved shop, Horti-Hub garden shop and a well-being suite on site. The innovative and inspirational businesses provide our students with first-hand real-life, work based learning opportunities. Most students are then able to extend their learning about work and develop their skills through placements in local businesses.
Alongside their hands-on vocational learning, students have access to courses in numeracy, literacy, employability, enterprise, media and life skills. Many achieve the Duke of Edinburgh Award at bronze or silver levels. Students follow different pathways according to their needs which are planned so as to best prepare them for the next stage. whether a vocational route or further learning. Students leaving the Bee Hive may go onto courses at local colleges, to supported internships, directly into paid employment or to specialist SEND adult provisions.
The Bee HIve curriculum is designed to support the DFE 16-19 Study Programmes principles for students working below Level 2 qualifications. They are:
- Assessment – identify the student’s needs; plan their provision; and ensure that appropriate support is in place to meet these needs.
- Support to make informed choices – develop student's understanding of the opportunities available to them and to support them and their families make choices.
- Practical, hands-on teaching in a workshop environment and basic skills embedded into vocational programmes. An introduction to their chosen occupation area to help students progress to further learning, an apprenticeship, or employment.
- English and maths which supports, where appropriate, the level the student needs to have achieved to progress to their chosen college programme, apprenticeship or occupation.
- Engagement with employers and work-related activity to introduce students to the opportunities available and the behaviours that employers expect. A structured work placement may be right for some, but others working may benefit more from experiencing a variety of different employment-related activities.
- Flexible to meet the needs of this diverse group, and to respond to some inevitable changes in the student’s longer-term plans. The balance between the elements individually tailored to student needs.
- Pastoral and specialist support to help students to remain engaged and progress.
- Progression to the next stage of education or employment.
Destinationsof our students 2022 click here
Destinations of our students 2023 click here
Destinations of our students 2024 click here